New Orleans Embezzlement Lawyer

Experienced Embezzlement Lawyers Serving New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Embezzlement LawyerEmbezzlement is a type of theft offense. Generally, it involves allegations of misappropriated money, goods, or other items of value entrusted to the care of the accused. Typically considered a white-collar crime, embezzlement charges are frequently leveled against employees with access to money – such as cashiers, bank tellers, accountants, and bookkeepers. High-level executives can also come under investigation when money turns up missing or financial records don’t add up. Regardless of the circumstances, embezzlement is a serious charge that can carry a potentially lengthy prison sentence. Contact our experienced New Orleans embezzlement lawyer today, we can help.

Embezzlement Charges

Like other types of white-collar crimes, embezzlement charges can derail your reputation and career. Prospective employers often interpret any type of theft conviction, and particularly embezzlement, as a reflection of dishonesty.

At the Law Office of Robert S. Toale, we provide proven and experienced advocacy for those facing any type of criminal charges, including embezzlement. Our defense attorneys bring decades of experience to every case. As a former public defender, our founding lawyer, Robert S. Toale, has tried hundreds of criminal cases in state and federal court. He has resolved hundreds more through skillful maneuvering and out-of-court solutions. As a result of his success, Mr. Toale has earned an esteemed reputation in the criminal defense field.

Our firm offers seasoned legal judgment, aggressive strategies, and valuable insights that can only be gained through appearing in court on a day-to-day basis for decades.

Get Seasoned Guidance In State Or Federal Court

Our attorneys share a commitment to each client’s success. We excel at developing strong defensive game plans under pressure. We can answer your questions, guide you through what to expect, and help you feel comfortable with the proceedings.

We handle charges at any level in both state and federal court.

Proven Experience Handling Hundreds Of Criminal Cases

To schedule a confidential consultation, call our New Orleans embezzlement lawyer or contact us online. Our phones are answered 24/7. Based in Gretna, Louisiana, we serve clients throughout New Orleans and Southern Louisiana.

New Orleans Criminal Defense New Orleans Criminal Attorney

Address: 505 Weyer St
Gretna, LA 70053

Phone: (504) 368-8440

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm
Phones are open 24/7

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